The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spring Updates

Yes, that's right: it's SPRING!

Other than that, not too much else has changed recently. This is what I've been up to:

- Last Friday, I went to my school's first football (soccer) game against another nearby village. I may have been the only female that actually watched the game (it's a good chance to gossip, I guess) and I got to re-learn all the swear words I hadn't heard in a while. It was interesting to see a lot of my students in a different setting. My village won, 4-3.

- I started running! I hate to admit that this might be the thing I'm most excited about. My legs don't seem to have atrophied too much over the past five months of inactivity, which is both surprising and wonderful. Sitting down or going down stairs has been a bit painful this past week, though.

- My kids seem more cheerful? I don't know if I'm imagining this, but they seem to be more energetic, in a good way. Part of this is my second form is more used to me now and not afraid to say hello, and I've been dropping in on the fourth form lessons occasionally so those kids have been all up in my business lately.

- I still have oodles of time and not a whole lot to do. I also realized that when my 11th form ends in about a month, I'll have only two lessons everyday. That's how little I'm teaching. It's just weird.

- On the other side of that, I've found myself thinking lately how great it'll be when I'm back in America and things like being late to class as a teacher are considered rude and unprofessional. I've been getting pulled into classes I don't normally teach because one of my English teachers wants to "have a rest" or has some vague task that she wasn't doing during break, but suddenly must do once the bell rings. I wouldn't mind if I had some forewarning and thus a chance to prepare a little, but that never happens. So I wing 45 minutes worth of material instead.

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